A Virtual Life
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
All by myself...
It's been a while since I have written, but I have quite a good excuse. I have been trying to revamp my blog, which is quite time-consuming, and the fact that my PC has gone to the repair shop is another factor...
I know the title of my post sounds a bit melodramatic (but I really like Celine Dion though!), but this is pretty much how I have been playing lately. The whole point of playing online is to play with people, at least theoretically...
Lately people I met on the Internet have been pretty obnoxious. I am quite fed up of being insulted by other online players, either because they don't like the way my characters look, the way I play, or because they think that my combination of profession is "stupid". It happened to me two days ago again. I was playing with one of my friends (hopefully I have my online friends to make me laugh!), and we had the same profession combo. As a result of insults and name-calling, we quit the party. Although I feel bad for the rest of the team, I don't regret it. People cannot insult me in real life without accepting the consequences, I don't see why it shouldn't be the case in a virtual world. The downside is that those people don't understand how childish or useless it is to act that way, and within the timeframe and the environment, it is impossible to make a point. Since then, I have been playing alone with NPCs, and I have been doing fairly well. I will for sure start to play with people again, but for the moment, I am pretty much disgusted about their behaviour.
posted by Caroline @ 7:27 PM  
  • At 10:41 AM, Blogger icancarryallthebagsandthebabiestoo said…

    I don't play anything in the virtual world, but this reminds me of people in cars. People become so tough and insulting when they get behind the wheel of a car- even perfectly nice people who go through their daily lives not doing nasty things to anyone. But give them anonymonity and they'll cut you off, give you the finger and ride your bumper for miles and miles.

  • At 4:13 PM, Blogger Cathan said…

    you still playing alone?

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