Being Part of a Guild (Part I)
Today, I will talk about my experiences with guilds. After all, this is what the game is about. Basically, a guild is composed of a Guild Leader, some Officers, and the Guild Members. To create a guild, you have to have a bit of ready cash. The requisite cape costs 2 platinums (2k gold), the guild hall where the GvG (Guild versus Guild) battles take place costs 20k. After that, the Leader has to pay 100g per person he invites. When I started to play GW, I had no clue what a guild was about. I guessed it was like a group of fellow players, knowing each other and having fun together. That is more or less it. The first guild I belonged to was not very large (about 10 members). I was not paying too much attention to it, and after several weeks, I noticed that I was... the only one left. The Guild Leader left me a message wishing me well! Hmm, at that time, I didn't know what to do with it, so I finally quit it. I should have tried to sell it or something like that, but I had no clue at that time. Being 'guildless' with level-20-characters is annoying. I got spammed by lots of people to accept being part of their guild. Feeling weary, I finally decided to join a guild, but one I could enjoy. I was invited by a nice guy. We get along pretty well (having the same views about the guild), and he promoted me quickly as an officer. We started to recruit a lot and finally have about 20 members. The drawback is that whenever I am online, none of the other guild members are... Talk about team spirit! It's been a while like this and I’m starting to be fed up of the situation. The only few active members we had are progressively leaving the guild. Most of them had the decency to talk to me before doing so, and yet I could not convince them to stay. I'm going to leave this guild, I know. It's only a matter of time. A friend of mine who just created his own guild invited me. At the same time, there's another guild where there are only 'mature' players who recently invited me. They seem to have lots of fun together. Anyway, I will make my decision soon.
Technorati Tags: guild, GvG.
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What's Wrong With You Guys???
OK, maybe it's not the best day for me to write and publish. I am quite pissed off today: I have some personal problems, the weather looks simply awful outside, and it's still cold. This is winter-wonderland! :-( Well, I am also grumpy because of my previous day’s game experience. One of my friends started a new character yesterday (by the way, he's one the sweetest guy I've ever met!), and asked me join him with a new character of my own; as I like him a lot, and wanted to please him, I created a new one too so that we could play together (people in pre-searing and post-searing cannot play together). So I created a new character (my fourth and final slot!). I hesitated quite a while between the Mesmer and Elementalist classes and finally made up my mind for the latter. She's very cute and sexy of course. Two minutes after starting to play (and I am not exaggerating!), a guy whispered to me: "Hey cuttie, you're very hot!" I just thanked him and stopped. He then wanted to play with me (in pre-searing, you can just build team of 2 people), which I refused as I was waiting for my friend to join me. He insisted and finally managed to get on my nerves! I could be a guy for crying out loud!
Technorati Tags: cybersex, relationships.
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Playing in Groups
At the beginning, I started to play alone, mainly because I was eager to discover the ropes of the game on my own. This period didn’t last long, as it is almost impossible to manage to do the missions alone or with NPCs. As I was leveling up my character, I had to collaborate with other players to manage to do the missions. And there starts the “fun.” By launching a “LFG” (Looking For Group) statement, generally speaking, you can be picked up pretty quickly depending on the profession of your character. But what is particularly interesting is the group dynamic that it should take place very quickly. As a matter of fact, you are supposed to be a team player without knowing the people you are playing with and must adjust yourself to their style of playing (as they should do it for you too), and their attitude. Depending also on their behavior, you can also estimate pretty quickly their gender as well as their age. I have played in many groups and each of them is different for sure, but you can draw a general scheme. Some people are very supportive and will do their best to finish the mission successfully, other will drop you in the middle for whatever reasons, and some will just insult you because you don’t play according to their standards. Those people generally take the game too seriously. I find them at the same time obnoxious and very interesting. Obnoxious because they spoil the pleasure of playing and interesting because I am wondering why they are so serious while playing. Read
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